- code 21
- javascript 12
- html5 1
- aaron swartz 2
- rails 4
- noisebridge 3
- ruby 7
- linux 1
- hacker news 1
- ycombinator 1
- emberjs 18
- handlebars 3
- network 2
- embercamp 10
- chrome 1
- underscorejs 1
- markdown 1
- thoughts 1
- php 3
- objective c 1
- quotes 1
- booch 2
- audiofile 1
- objectivec 2
- cocoa 1
- google 4
- blink 1
- webkit 1
- mozilla 1
- apple 1
- gecko 1
- servo 1
- irb 1
- glass 3
- vim 1
- emacs 1
- Richard Gabriel 1
- bitcoin 2
- Globally scoped methods in Ruby
- Keyword arguments in Ruby 2.0
- Getters and Setters
- Objective C Object Creation
- Traits and Shortened Array Syntax
- Method naming oddness
- Javascript String Instance HTML Wrapper Methods
- try to catch me
- .contains, .startsWith, and .endsWith
- Syntax that I like and don't like
- Syntax highlighting in markdown code blocks on github
- Some handy new Javascript features
- Highlighting some Object functions in underscorejs
- Build a static site with Ember.js part 2
- Sorting an array of integers
- Build a static site with Ember.js
- Random Ruby
- IP everywhere
- Ping me maybe
- Intro to Ember.js
- Web Audio Context API
- Getters and Setters
- Javascript String Instance HTML Wrapper Methods
- try to catch me
- .contains, .startsWith, and .endsWith
- Some handy new Javascript features
- Highlighting some Object functions in underscorejs
- Use Ember.js as a cross plaform javascript library pt2
- Build a static site with Ember.js part 2
- Sorting an array of integers
- Build a static site with Ember.js
- Intro to Ember.js
- Web Audio Context API
aaron swartz
- Rails as Habitable Software pt1
- Rails class at NoiseBridge 1 29 13
- Another Rails Security Bug
- New to Rails, again
- Rails class at NoiseBridge 1 29 13
- Linux System Administration class at NoiseBridge 1 29 13
- Aaron's Army
- Globally scoped methods in Ruby
- Keyword arguments in Ruby 2.0
- irb require shortcut
- Getters and Setters
- Random Ruby
- Rails class at NoiseBridge 1 29 13
- Another Rails Security Bug
hacker news
- Use Ember.js as a cross plaform javascript library pt2
- Use Ember.js as a cross plaform javascript library
- Playing around with the Ember Inspector
- Notes from the 'UI Patterns' talk
- Notes from the 'UI Patterns' talk
- Notes from the 'Testing Ember Apps' session
- Notes from the 'Performance Talk' session
- Notes from the Panel QA' session
- Notes from the 'Optimizing Your API for Ember Data' session
- Notes from the 'Expect More from Tooling' session
- Notes from the 'Ember State of the Union' talk
- Notes from the 'Ember in Action' talk
- Notes from the 'Ember Data Talk' session
- Notes from the 'Contributing to Ember' session
- Notes from the 'ClientSideValidations for Ember' session
- Build a static site with Ember.js part 2
- Build a static site with Ember.js
- Intro to Ember.js
- Notes from the 'Testing Ember Apps' session
- Notes from the 'Performance Talk' session
- Notes from the Panel QA' session
- Notes from the 'Optimizing Your API for Ember Data' session
- Notes from the 'Expect More from Tooling' session
- Notes from the 'Ember State of the Union' talk
- Notes from the 'Ember in Action' talk
- Notes from the 'Ember Data Talk' session
- Notes from the 'Contributing to Ember' session
- Notes from the 'ClientSideValidations for Ember' session