Random Ruby
An initial impression that I've had of Ruby which has stayed true is that there is often more than one way to do something. Just some random Ruby stuff I'm studying tonight.
Fun with Arrays
Two different ways to create an Array
arr1 = Array.new # => []
arr2 = []
Two different ways to push an item into an Array
[].push 'foo' # => ['foo']
[] << 'foo' # => ['foo']
Create an Array
and push a String
into it
arr1 = Array.new.push 'Foobar' # => ['Foobar']
arr2 = [] << 'Foobar' # => ['Foobar']
arr3 = Array.new << 'Foobar' # => ['Foobar']
It's interesting to me that these are the same two statements
Array.new << 'Foobar'
Push all the contents of one array into another
arr1 = [1,2,3]
arr2 = [4,5,6]
arr1.push *arr2 # => [1,2,3,4,5,6]
This is an interesting example from the homepage
cities = %w[ Negril Bogota Caracas Paris Amsterdam Berlin]
visited = %w[ Negril Amsterdam Caracas]
puts "I still need to visit the following cities:", cities - visited
Split a String
into an Array
'foobar'.chars.to_a # => ['f','o','o','b','a','r']
'foobar'.split(//) # => ['f','o','o','b','a','r']
String#<< and Array#<<
Both Array
and String
have a <<
method. With regards to Array
basically like push
and with String
it's a concatenator.
[] << 'one' << 'two' << 'three' # => ['one', 'two', 'three']
'one ' << 'two' # => 'one two'
More info
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