This code is related to Version: v1.0.0-rc.1

I've been thinking of Ember as a monolithic framework but under the hood there are actual several modules. To see this in action clone the Ember.js github repo generate the dist/ directory by running:

$ rake dist 
Building Ember...

$ ls -alr dist/

I heard Yehuda briefly mention ember-runtime at Ember Camp so that seemed like a good place to start. Within ember-runtime.js I found the following:

Ember-Runtime is a framework that provides core functions for Ember including cross-platform functions, support for property observing and objects. Its focus is on small size and performance. You can use this in place of or along-side other cross-platform libraries such as jQuery.

The core Runtime framework is based on the jQuery API with a number of performance optimizations.

Hmmm, that definitely sounds interesting. I recently found out about Zepto.js which aims to be a replacement for jQuery which supports most of the API but none of the cruft to support legacy browsers. It sounds like perhaps ember-runtime.js is doing something similar.

FWIW upon initial inspection ember-runtime.js appears to be light of functionality for manipulating the DOM which makes it a poor replace for jQuery IMO. On the other hand it appears to be a potential replacement for underscore.js.


So what exactly is in ember-runtime.js? Of course it's too much to cover in a single post but here is the high level of the Classes and Namespaces:

There is some really stuff going on here but first a note on how Ember.js extends Javascript

By default, Ember.js will extend the prototypes of native JavaScript objects in the following ways:

  • Array is extended to implement the Ember.Enumerable, Ember.MutableEnumerable, Ember.MutableArray and Ember.Array interfaces. This polyfills ECMAScript 5 array methods in browsers that do not implement them, adds convenience methods and properties to built-in arrays, and makes array mutations observable.
  • String is extended to add convenience methods, such as camelize() and fmt().
  • Function is extended with methods to annotate functions as computed properties, via the property() method, and as observers, via the observes() or observesBefore() methods.

There is of course a way to prevent this from happening but it breaks a bunch of the functionality that is the core strength of Ember.js so of course you'll need to decide if you can sleep at night knowing that Javascript's core data types are being extended under the hood..

Back to the cool stuff in ember-runtime.js



Returns the lowerCaseCamel form of a string.

'innerHTML'.camelize();          // 'innerHTML'
'action_name'.camelize();        // 'actionName'
'css-class-name'.camelize();     // 'cssClassName'
'my favorite items'.camelize();  // 'myFavoriteItems'


Returns the Capitalized form of a string

'innerHTML'.capitalize();          // 'InnerHTML'
'action_name'.capitalize();        // 'Action_name'
'css-class-name'.capitalize();     // 'Css-class-name'
'my favorite items'.capitalize();  // 'My favorite items'


Returns the UpperCamelCase form of a string.

'innerHTML'.classify();          // 'InnerHTML'
'action_name'.classify();        // 'ActionName'
'css-class-name'.classify();     // 'CssClassName'
'my favorite items'.classify();  // 'MyFavoriteItems'


Replaces underscores or spaces with dashes.

'innerHTML'.dasherize();          // 'inner-html'
'action_name'.dasherize();        // 'action-name'
'css-class-name'.dasherize();     // 'css-class-name'
'my favorite items'.dasherize();  // 'my-favorite-items'


Converts a camelized string into all lower case separated by underscores.

'innerHTML'.decamelize();           // 'inner_html'
'action_name'.decamelize();        // 'action_name'
'css-class-name'.decamelize();     // 'css-class-name'
'my favorite items'.decamelize();  // 'my favorite items'


Apply formatting options to the string. This will look for occurrences of "%@" in your string and substitute them with the arguments you pass into this method. If you want to control the specific order of replacement, you can add a number after the key as well to indicate which argument you want to insert.

Ordered insertions are most useful when building loc strings where values you need to insert may appear in different orders.

"Hello %@ %@".fmt('John', 'Doe');     // "Hello John Doe"
"Hello %@2, %@1".fmt('John', 'Doe');  // "Hello Doe, John"



Formats the passed string, but first looks up the string in the localized strings hash. This is a convenient way to localize text. See Ember.String.fmt() for more information on formatting.

Note that it is traditional but not required to prefix localized string keys with an underscore or other character so you can easily identify localized strings.

Ember.STRINGS = {
    '_Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
      '_Hello %@ %@': 'Bonjour %@ %@'

Ember.String.loc("_Hello World");  // 'Bonjour le monde';
Ember.String.loc("_Hello %@ %@", ["John", "Smith"]);  // "Bonjour John Smith";


More general than decamelize. Returns the lowercaseand_underscored form of a string.

'innerHTML'.underscore();          // 'inner_html'
'action_name'.underscore();        // 'action_name'
'css-class-name'.underscore();     // 'css_class_name'
'my favorite items'.underscore();  // 'my_favorite_items'


Splits a string into separate units separated by spaces, eliminating any empty strings in the process. This is a convenience method for split that is mostly useful when applied to the String.prototype.

Ember.String.w("alpha beta gamma").forEach(function(key) {

// > alpha
// > beta
// > gamma

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter and/or G+ for more.

See something wrong or got something to add/change? Fork this git repo and send me a pull request

If you particularly enjoy my work, I appreciate donations given with


18 February 2013
