Build a static site with Ember.js
This is how to set up an extremely simple and static site with Ember.js and
Ruby on Rails using the ember-rails
It shows how to set up a basic Route and points out that routes map to controllers and templates.
This uses the Ember.js Version: v1.0.0-pre.4 API.
Check out a live example:
Create a git repo
I've created a new repo on Github and clone it to my machine
$ git clone
Cloning into 'ember_static'...
remote: Counting objects: 65, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (48/48), done.
remote: Total 65 (delta 3), reused 62 (delta 3)
Receiving objects: 100% (65/65), 20.94 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.
Create a new rails app
Next I create a new rails app and tell it to --skip-bundle
$ rails new ember_static --skip-bundle
create README.rdoc
create Rakefile
create .gitignore
create Gemfile
create app
I tell rails to skip running bundle install
because I'm going to be editing
the Gemfile
in the next step.
Edit the Gemfile
Now you want to edit the Gemfile
to include the ember-rails gem. Open the
in your favorite text editor and add the following lines.
gem 'ember-rails', '~> 0.9.2'
Once you've updated your Gemfile
$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Using rake (10.0.3)
Using i18n (0.6.1)
Using multi_json (1.6.0)
Using activesupport (3.2.12)
Create a controller and route for the root url
$ rails g controller welcome index
create app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb
route get "welcome/index"
invoke erb
create app/views/welcome
create app/views/welcome/index.html.erb
Once rails generator has stubbed out your controller edit config/routes.rb
set the root url to point to welcome#index
(the welcome
controller and
root :to => 'welcome#index'
get "welcome/index"
Also because this is rails you'll need to remove the public/index.html file
$ rm public/index.html
Stub out your ember.js directories
Edit config/environments/development.rb
and add
config.ember.variant = :development
Also edit config/environments/production.rb
and add
config.ember.variant = :production
Using the handy ember-rails
generator bootstrap the client side MVC directory
$ rails g ember:bootstrap
insert app/assets/javascripts/application.js
create app/assets/javascripts/models
create app/assets/javascripts/controllers
At this point if you can remove any content from app/views/welcome/index.html.erb
. All templating is going to be done on the Ember.js side.
We have a stub ember app!!
Before we go on I must say that I prefer the .hbs
extension to the overly
verbose .handlebars
so I go ahead and change the name of the one stub
handlebars file.
$ mv app/assets/javascripts/templates/application.handlebars app/assets/javascripts/templates/application.hbs
Ah, that's better. Onward.
Set up your overall application markup
Open app/assets/javascripts/templates/application.hbs
. This is similar
conceptually to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
Remove <p>Your content here.</p>
. We'll be adding per route specific content
to the templates in a moment.
The outlet is similar to <%= yield %>
. It's where your different
templates for each route will get inserted.
Set up your index controller/template
Ember.js is rails like in the sense that there is a certain convention over configuration. In this case without setting up a route the root url maps to an index controller and index template
Create the index controller app/assets/javascripts/controllers/index_controller.js
emberStatic.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
name : 'carlos cardona'
Notice that it's just an IndexController which extends Ember.Controller. Also
notice that we've added a name
property which we'll display in our template
Now create the index template app/assets/javascripts/templates/index.hbs
add handlebar template variables for the name
that we added in the controller.
Also add a link to an about
route that we are going to create.
Hello name!
#linkTo 'about' About page /linkTo
Note: in the code example above markdown is destroying the handlbars. In theory
, #linkTo 'about'
, and /linkTo
should be surrounded by handlebars.
Set up a Route
To see how routing works open up app/assets/javascripts/router.js
and add a
route to an about
page {
this.route("about", { path : "/about" });
Create an about
controller and template
Start by create an about
controller at app/assets/javascripts/controllers/about_controller.js
emberStatic.AboutController = Ember.Controller.extend({
about : 'This is some about text'
Next create an about
template at app/assets/javascripts/templates/about.hbs
About: about
#linkTo 'index' Index page /linkTo
Note: in the code example above markdown is destroying the handlbars. In theory
, #linkTo 'index'
, and /linkTo
should be surrounded by handlebars.
Thats all folks!
And that's an extremely simple and static site built with ember.js and rails. There are some pretty critical things missing such as:
- Binding
- Computed Properties
- Ember Data
Let's not kid ourselves. Ember.js is capable of way more. This was simply meant to be a demonstration of how routes work and how each route is mapped to a controller and template. We also looked at how to pass a value from a controller to a template.
Check this example live at
Clone the code at:
More info
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