IP everywhere
(This relates to IPV4. I'll cover IPV6 later)
IP addressing is at the core of networked computing. Everyone has heard "Go to this IP address" but what does that actually mean? Let's dig in a bit.
First things first What is an IP address?
An IP Address is an Internet Protocol Address. Similar to the address on your house an IP Address is used to route packets to a host computer on some network.
More specifically an IP Address is a 32 bit number which is usually split up
into 4 8 bit 'octets' seperated by a .
An example is
Network(s) and Host(s)
Keep in mind that the Internet/Web is a 'Network of networks.' That just means
that within the large Network there are many smaller networks
. Examples are your
house, job, etc.
Within each one of those networks there are at least one potentially many
computers--otherwise known as hosts
. An IP Address tells us which network and which individual computer to route the
packet to. It does this with a network ID
and a host ID
You can think of a network ID
as analogous to the street that you live on and
the host ID
is like your house number. Using both your street and house number
a person could send you a package from anywhere in the world (in theory). Using
a network ID
and host ID
a packet can get routed to any computer on the
The network ID
and the host ID
are of course both in the IP Address so the
question is how do you tell which part is which? That is done with a subnet
subnet mask
A subnet mask
is another 32 bit number broken up into 4 8 bit octets. As a
complete over simplification (because this stuff isn't simple) you can imagine
that if an octet has all the bits set to 1 then that octet in the IP Address is
part of the network ID
. If the subnet mask
octet has all the bits set to 0
then that octet of the IP Address is part of the host ID
Let's take a look at an example. Imagine that we have the following IP Address
and subnet mask
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Based on the subnet mask
the IP Address would be broken down:
Network ID: 192.168.10
Host ID: 1
An important thing to notice is that as the potential count of the networks goes up the potential number of hosts on a network goes down. Conversely as the potential count of the networks goes down the potential number of hosts on a network goes up.
Total potential Host IDs
First a quick rule. A host ID
can't be all 0s or all 1s.
A host ID
of all 0s is a network ID
and a host ID
of all 1s is a
broadcast ID
. More on that later.
In the beginning (again a simplification) there were 3 classes of IP
Addresses--A, B, and C. They had the following subnet masks
Class A 1-126
Class B 128-191
Class C 192-223
Let's do some calculations to figure out how many potential host IDs
would be
available in this scenario.
Class A
126 networks, 16,777,214 hosts
Class B
16,384 networks, 65,534 hosts
Class C
2,097,152 networks, 254 hosts
3,720,314,268 total potential Host IDs
So initially there were just shy of 4 billion potential host IDs
on the
network. At the time in the 70's this was considered to be enough. That proved
not to be the case though which is what IPV6 (to be covered at another time) is
all about.
More info:
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