Notes from the 'Optimizing Your API for Ember Data' session
Dan Gebhardt
We don't always have the luxury of designing an application's front and back ends together. However, when we do, it makes sense to mesh them as closely as possible. This talk will focus on optimizing a backend API for use with Ember Data.
Ember Data has been steadily expanding its capabilities in the past year. It now supports a number of different data relationships, embedded and "side loaded" data, and even bulk commit operations. Serializers and mappings help translate between your API and your Ember models. This talk will explore front and back end code that illustrates these capabilities.
Because Ember Data features "out-of-the-box support for Rails apps that follow the activemodelserializers gem's conventions", the examples in this talk will utilize activemodelserializers to build an API. However, the examples will focus on API endpoints and therefore be easily translatable to other tech stacks.
Convention over configuration
Trivial choices are the enemy - Yehuda Katz
My making our API as conventional as possible we can reduce friction on our team and make our APIs easier to consume.
Tech stack
with ActiveModel::Serializers
- "what" not "how"
- Customizable
Ember Data
- In memory store
- Canonical records
- Multi-layered architecture
- Customizable adapters/serializers
AM::S Conventions
- underscore_naming
- include
element - id: 1, fkid: 1, fkids: [1]
- conventions for including related data
DS.RESTAdapter Conventions
- underscore_naming
- include
element - id: 1, fkid: 1, fkids: [1]
- conventions for including related data
Identical to ActiveModel::Serializers
A sprinkle of configuration
class ApplicationSericalizer < ActiveModel::Sericalizer
# sideload related data by default
embed :ids, include: true
One-to-Many relationships
... code Ember.js, rails, and JSON examples
One-to-None relationships
... code Ember.js, rails, and JSON examples
Many-to-Many relationships
... code Ember.js, rails, and JSON examples
Many-to-None relationships
... code Ember.js, rails, and JSON examples
Embedded Relationships
Serialized Embedded Data
... code rails, and JSON examples
Embedded Read-only Data
... code Ember.js example
Custom Pluralization
... code JSON example
Custom Keys
... code JSON example
Custom Sideloading
... code Ember.js and JSON examples
Custom Transforms
Let you define your own types of data.
... code Ember.js example
Custom URLs
... code Ember.js example
Buld Commits
... code Ember.js example
Edge of Convention
Each of these is easy for us to solve in our own domain but hard to standardize on.
- Pagination
- Authentication
- Sparse fieldsets
- Custom icnludes
- Polymorphism
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