
Today was Ember Camp and Yehuda Katz gave a brief introduction to the Ember Inspector.

The Ember Inspector adds an Ember tab to your Chrome dev tools which allows you to leverage these powerful tools to get Ember specific insights into your app.

Like many things in the Ember.js the Ember Inspector is relatively new. As such it's not even available to download as a proper Chrome extension yet. For now you'll need to load the Chrome extension from your local machine.

Grab a copy

First make sure you have Chrome 25 or higher. That's currently the Beta build but after the next release that will be the main build.

Second clone the Ember Inspector git repo.

git clone

Enable 'Experimental Extensions APIs'

This Chrome extension uses experimental APIs so you'll need to enable 'Experimental Extension APIs' by visiting chrome://flags.

Experimental Extension APIs Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS Enables experimental extension APIs.

Note that the extension gallery doesn't allow you to upload extensions that use experimental APIs.


Click the Enable clink to 'Experimental Extension APIs'


Often after toggling a setting in chrome://flags/ Chrome will prompt you Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Google Chrome. which is the case this time.

Restart your browser by clicking the 'Relaunch now' button or manually quitting and relaunching the browser.

Load the Ember Inspector extension

From Chrome's Window drop down menu choose Extension

Now click the Load unpacked extension... button and navigate to where you cloned the ember-extension repo and click Select.

Give it a test run

Ok you've got it installed! Congrats! Now let's see what this thing can do.

Point your browser at and fire up your Chrome dev tools. You should notice that there is a new Ember tab. Click on it and you'll get something similar to


If you hover over one of these such as list/topics you'll see the template, controller, and model. In this case:


More resources

Yehuda Katz has several video on the Ember Inspector on YouTube

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter and/or G+ for more.

See something wrong or got something to add/change? Fork this git repo and send me a pull request

If you particularly enjoy my work, I appreciate donations given with


15 February 2013
